Friday, 31 January 2014

Toxic People 2: The Unintelligent

Toxic People 
2. The Unintelligent

I’m not talking the kind of dumb that can’t be helped; I’m talking about the kind of dumb that is a result of an immense ego, voluntary ignorance and self-righteousness. Most of us know at least one or two people who are completely unintelligent as a result of continually making bad decisions and not learning from their mistakes for their entire lives.

Text inspired by

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Toxic People 1: Show Offs

Toxic People 
1. Show Offs

Those who feel the need to be showy are always compensating for something and trying to prove their worth to themselves. Unfortunately for them, this is how you know they have little worth. Showing and trying to make other people envious is a waste of time, unless you’re trying to make yourself feel better about yourself at the expense of others. People that do such things are not the kind of people you want to keep around.

Text inspired by

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Toxic People

There is something about the people we are drawn to and the people that we draw in turn to ourselves; the energy that we give out and the energies we attract and recieve. Either can be positive or negative. 

Sometimes things happen entirely by accident, but for now, let's consider that our energies and actions are charged either negatively or positively. To be positive is to be mentally strong. Mentally strong people understand the importance and influence that human beings have on one another and use this knowledge to their advantage. The mentally strong aren’t flawless or impervious to damage and sometimes even the strongest will fall. 

One trick though, is to plan ahead and avoid the people that make up the worst of the worst. These people are toxic ones and drag you down. Pay heed :) 

Over the next set of posts, I will explore ten types of toxic people, that should, by all accounts be avoided. These posts are inspired by 

Adapted from

Thursday, 2 January 2014

2014: Make it Good

Welcome 2014

There isn't much difference between 23.59, December 31st and 00.00, January 1st. I stopped up last night (typical) and ushered in the New Year. It was a quiet affair, at home reflecting on the celebrations being broadcast from around the world. I can't say I felt different from one year to the next.

This past year gone has been a work hard year. I'm reaching that stage in life where I know that I am caught between personal ambition and responsibilities. The latter appears to dominate and one of the reasons I appear to have opted for regularity is because the external pressures around me have grown. Responsbilities to others I believe in, to a point. but an honest confession would be that the head and the heart conflict on this matter, so I wonder what the future holds. As I get older I know that there are fewer opportunties, but ultimately we restrict ourselves don't we? 

We are just microspecs in the universe and yet we are still surrounded by too much conflict in the world around us and in our personal lives. Hope remains my favourite word because it allows our dreams and motivations to thrive, and prayers are made to Allah Almighty. 

Where we are responsible for controlling the events in our own lives, I want to begin 2014 with one simple thought. 

Make it good.
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