Sunday, 22 April 2012

Keep Calm and Carry On

Freedom Is In Peril. Defend It With All Your Might

Your Courage, Your Cheerfulness, Your Resolution Will Bring Us Victory


Keep Calm and Carry On

I don't care much for propaganda and the organised public hysteria that is generated to support a war, but the impact of the words, the lettering, the style and layout are what draw my attention. The Keep Calm and Carry On poster, appeared in 1939 and was a series of three propaganda posters by the British Ministry of Information designed to garner support for the war. Click here to view a sample. The posters have now passed on into popular culture and just recently a version of this appeared* on my iPad. As such, the poster is the inspiration for today's post.  

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Malalai of Maiwand

The setting for Dr Watson's injuries (from the Sherlock Holmes stories) was on the Maiwand battlefield, one of the principle battles of the Second Anglo-Afghan War. Whilst the character was clearly fiction, the battle was real and one of the heroes of that battle was a woman, killed on the battlefiled, known as Malalai of Maiwand د معيړند ملالۍ. Although it is Ayub Khan who became known as the Victor of Maiwand, it is said that it was Malalai (or Malala) who actually saved the day.

British sources, unsurprisingly, do not mention Malalai. Her actions may not have been noticed by any of the British, or they may not have seemed as consequential as they were to the Afghans. Afghan women are very rarely mentioned at all so it is interesting that Afghan men who should honour her actions and turn her into a national hero who is still revered today. 

Malalai came from Khig, a small village not far from the Maiwand battlefield, and was the daughter of a shepard. Both her father and fiancée had joined with Ayub's army in the attack on the British on July 27th 1880 (which some say was also her wedding day), and like many women, Malalai was there to help tend to the wounded and provide water and spare weapons. Eventually there came a point in the battle where the Afghan army, despite their superior numbers, started to lose morale and the tide seemed to be turning in favour of the British. Seeing this, Malalai shouted out:

که په میـــوند کـې شهـــید نـــه شـــوی
خدایګو ﻻلـیه بـې ننـګۍ ته دی سـاتینه
"Young love! If you do not fall in the battle of Maiwand,
By God, someone is saving you as a symbol of shame!"

This gave many of the Afghan fighters and ghazis a new resolve and they redoubled their efforts. At that moment one of the leading flag-bearers fell from a British bullet, and Malalai went forward and held up the flag (some versions say she made a flag out of her veil), singing a landay:

خــــال بـــه دیـــار لـــه ویـــنو کیــــږدم
چــــې شینکي باغ کې ګــــل ګلاب وشــــرمویـنه
که په میـــــوند کـــې شهـــید نـــه شـــوی
ګو ﻻلــــیه بې ننـــګۍ ته دي ســـاتینه
"With a drop of my sweetheart's blood,
Shed in defense of the Motherland,
Will I put a beauty spot on my forehead,
Such as would put to shame the rose in the garden."

But then Malalai was herself struck down and killed. However, her words had spurred on her countrymen and soon the British lines gave way, broke and turned, leading to a disastrous retreat back to Kandahar and the biggest defeat for the Anglo-Indian army in the Second Afghan War. Ayub Khan afterwards gave a special honour to Malalai and she was buried at her village, where her grave can still be found.

Malalai - Afghan Heroine of Maiwand by Garen C Ewing licensed under Creative Commons

Friday, 13 April 2012

5.4 Million Primary Teachers Required

According to UNESCO there is a global shortage of trained and motivated teachers and in particular in primary education. In order to meet the Education For All goal of achieving Universal Primary Education by 2015, 5.4 million primary teachers are needed. UNESCO's Institute for Statistics suggest that one solution is to harness the power of mobile technologies in meeting this need - both in supporting teachers and their professional development, and in retaining existing teachers.

This continues to remain an interest of mine and UNESCO are due to report back on four projects that they will implement with teacher training organisations in Nigeria, Senegal, Pakistan and Mexico in 2012 to further explore and understand this area.

Monday, 9 April 2012

The Hunt for Artificial Intelligence

I ran a 'series' of posts on the prospects and dilemmas of Artificial Intelligence a couple of months back and this past week, the BBC featured a Horizon documentary exploring how close we are to developing machines that think like us. In this clip, Marcus du Sautoy comments how robots have been programmed to learn like children and in the process develop their own independent spoken language. I still retain considerable ambivalence around a future of fully automated truly intelligent machines. This aspect is not explored, though the full programme, available here, makes for interesting viewing as we work towards that. 

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Fighting Fantasy

I must make a nod to the series of books by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone entitled Fighting Fantasy which reach their 30th Anniversary this year. The books, that later spun off into electronic games versions and other collectibles did not 'work' in the linear fashion we might expect of  books. They were, in fact, adventure game books that could tell a different story depending on the choice the reader made. Starting on the first page, the reader (taking the role of an adventurer in a fantasy world) would be presented with choices that were followed up by a linking narrative elsewhere in the book. Along the way, the reader would battle fantasy creatures and meet with characters that were dotted around the book between pages set very wide apart. The right choices would lead to a successful a story's end; not necessarily on the last page of the book. The RPG element really did capture my imagination as a child, and it was possible to make different choices each time you read the book and go on completely different adventures with a very different outcome each time.

The fantasy art was a key aspect, such as this illustration taken from 'City of Thieves' by Iain McCraig.

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